Saturday, December 19, 2009


Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raji'un..
"Sesungguhnya dari Dia kita datang dan kepada Dia jugalah kita kembali."

Peringatan kepada diri sendiri:
  1. Segala yg terjadi ada hikmahnye. Mungkin Allah nk kita jadi orang yg lebih baik dr sebelum ni.
  2. Mungkin sebelum ni kita lalai dan lupa kat Dia.
  3. BerSABAR, BerSYUKUR and BerDOA lah!
  4. Happiness will come bila kita betul2 redha dgn ujian Allah.
  6. Terusksn berDOA dgn YAKIN!
  7. Dapatkan kasih sayang Allah dgn berSYUKUR atas segala nikmat yang Allah dh bg.
  8. Utk bahagia dan berjaya, kenalah berSABAR barulah pass ujian Allah.
  9. REMEMBER! Allah tu Maha Mendengar n Maha Mengetahui apa saja yg kita bisikan dalam hati kita - tu juga DOA.
  10. Banyakkan merayu pada Allah...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I'm sorry...
I'm sorry if i'm not good enough
I have changed
Not for you. But for my own self
And for Him.

Thanks to Him
That I'm a changed person
Thanks to what ever happened around me
That makes changes possible to me.

I understand
That its true
Things happened for a reason

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Ini Carrot cake. Dlm bentuk cupcakes.

Got the recipe from the net.

Topping, cream cheese and grated orange chocolate.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hobi Baru

I'm not that talented. Sebab tu most of the corak senget2. Huhu..

Friday, October 09, 2009

Stop Kejap

Hello. I might stop blogging for a while. Inspiration dh xde.

Dear All-Knowing, the Creator of all being. You're the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Your humble servant is seeking for your guidance. Please dear Creator, please forgive your me. I'm weak. I need You. Please give me strength.. O Allah, there is no other god except You. There's no better listener except You..


Eventually it happens.



Eventually, it happens.

*sigh* definitely not a relief.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Frankie and I

He's always there when I'm in my melancholic mood. He's also always there when I'm excited or when I get too excited.

It's comforting... Whenever I look at you.

You always know how to react when I'm angry. You'll sit still and be quiet.

Frankie, we share a lot of things together even though we have nothing in common. Our world is totally different. But, I still love you, Frank.

Thanks, Frankie..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pesanan buat sahabat-sahabat.

I've read this before in a friend's blog and copied it from his too. Take your time, read it again, and HAYATI. Kadang-kadang kita terlalu excited. Sampai kita lupa kat DIA. Kita lupa suruhan dan larangan DIA, kita langgar. Kita byk sangat alasan.. Sedangkan bila kita ada problem, merungut-rungut and merayu-rayu kat DIA, xde pulak DIA bg alasan, DIA bagi petunjuk dan hidayah ada lah...
Di dalam hidup manusia, yang penting ialah BERKAT .

Bila hidup kita berkat, diri ini akan selamat.
Apabila diri selamat, rumahtangga jadi sepakat.
Apabila rumahtangga jadi sepakat, masyarakat jadi muafakat. Apabila
masyarakat jadi muafakat, negara kita menjadi kuat. Apabila negara menjadi kuat, negara luar jadi hormat.
Apabila negara luar jadi hormat, permusuhan pun tersekat. Apabila permusuhan tersekat, pembangunan pun meningkat.

Apabila pembangunan pun meningkat,
kemajuan menjadi pesat.
TETAPI AWAS, apabila pembangunan meningkat, kemajuan menjadi pesat,
kita lihat bangunan naik bertingkat-tingkat.

Ditengah-tengah itu, tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat.
Apabila tempat-tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat, KETIKA ITU manusia mula mengubah tabiat.
Apabila manusia telah mengubah tabiat,
ada yang jadi lalat ada yang jadi ulat.
Apabila manusia dah jadi ulat, sembahyang makin hari makin liat.
Apabila sembahyang jadi liat, orang baik ada yang bertukar jadi jahat.

Apabila orang baik bertukar jahat, orang miskin pula nak kaya cepat.
Apabila orang miskin nak kaya cepat, orang tua pula nak mati lambat.
Apabila orang tua nak mati lambat, tak dapat minum madu telan jerla minyak gamat.

Yang lelaki, budak budak muda pakai seluar ketat.
Semua nak tunjuk kuat.
Bila berjudi, percaya unsur kurafat.
Tapi hidup pula yang melarat.
Tali kasut dah tak berikat.
Rambut pun jarang sikat.

Yang perempuan, pakai mini sekerat.
Suka pakai baju ketat..
Suka sangat menunjukkan pusat.
Hingga tak pedulikan lagi batasan aurat.
Pakai pulak yang singkat-singkat.
Kadang-kadang ternampak benda ' bulat ' .
Bila jadi macam ini, siapa lihat pasti tercegat.
Silap gaya jadi gawat, bohsia bohjan lagi hebat.
Duduk jauh berkirim surat .
Bila berjumpa, tangan berjabat
Kemudian pakat lawan peluk siapa erat.
Masa tu, nafas naik sampai tersekat-sekat.
Usah peduli agama dan adat.
Usah takut Allah dan malaikat.
Yang penting apa kita nak buat?
Kita ' bukti ' lah kita buat.

Akhirnya perut kempis dah jadi bulat.
Apabila perut kempis dah jadi bulat, maka lahirlah
pula anak-anak yang tak cukup sifat.
Bila anak-anak tak cukup sifat, jam tu kita tengok bayi dibuang di
merata tempat.

Dia kata apa? Habis manusia dah masuk jerat.
Habis manusia telah tersesat.

Inilah dia fenomena masyarakat.
Oleh itu wahai saudaraku dan para sahabat,
Marilah kita pakat mengingat ,
Bahawa dunia hari ini makin singkat,
Esok atau lusa mungkin kiamat,
Sampai masa kita semua akan berangkat!
Berangkat menuju ke negeri akhirat.
Di sana kita akan ditanya apa yang kita buat.
Masa tu, sindri mau ingat.
Umur mu banyak mana mu buat ibadat...?
Zaman muda mu, apa yang telah mu buat...?
Harta benda anta, dari mana anta dapat...?
Ilmu anta, adakah anta manfaat...?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wish you all the happiness in the world

Hmm.. It's not easy for me to see n hear about your sadness. I'm sorry I couldn't be a good listener to you. I'm sorry that I'm far away from you. I sorry coz it seems like I've abandoned you. I'm so sorry, friend.

Please don't be sad.. Please don't be demotivated... Please don't..

Be happy, look around you.. Look at the sky. I'm sure you'll see birds flying, the white clouds and the blue sky. Look at the sky again.. You're actually saw Allah. Everything that you saw is His. Including us. Say MasyaAllah, say Subhanallah and don't forget Alhamdulillah.

Look around you. You'll still see Allah. You don't have to look so far. Just turn around, lift your hands, look into the mirror... you'll still see Allah. There's no doubt about it. Just don't forget to say Alhamdulillah.

I tried to understand your hardship, I tried to put my self in your shoes and I understood. Somehow, the are few differences. You and me, You and her, You and him, You and them. All of us are different. But we do share one thing, we have Protector, Guardian, Provider and many more. We have Him.

So, my friend,
Let's be thankful and grateful. Coz we're still breathing and still able to make changes, able to correct our mistakes, able to cherish everything that we own, able to overcome difficulties, able to enjoy friendship and able to love. Best kan hidup kita? It is fill with colour. And we have Ad-Din to ensure the colour stays within the line.

Friend... Please smile.

My anti-depressant

My baby. Sayang sangat.. Cute and smart. Environmentalist tuh!

LC's teachers. The 'mat salleh teacher is from Ireland, ok! Bukan from Saudi.. haha.
From left: teacher Alma (Boss!), teacher Mazny (taken!), teacher Tara (leaving soon..huhu), teacher Fatihah (hmmm..)

Elementary class (Standard 3). From left: Damia, Nurin, Miza, Farah Adibah, teacher fatihah, Balqis, Faiz, Atiya & Farah Sofea. They made Hari Raya cards for each other. Auwww.. Cute kan?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It was a BLAST!

No matter how happy we were, it wasn't d same bila xcukup quorum


Last minute planning... hehe..


I'm not saying you're stupid but things that you do make it you look stupid. Things that you say reflect your level of stupidity. SO, STOP saying stupid things. It's not funny, its annoying.

Annoying. The best word to describe people like this. Perhaps its an understatement. Perhaps it is more than annoying.

The more I teach the more I realise how annoying I could be during my study year xkisah la kat mana-mana pun I study dulu. Mak ckp, sometimes, Allah gives us hardship in order to make us learn. Like in my situation rite now. huhu...

I keep on reminding my Diploma students, life is not easy. Whatever you do now, you'll have to face the consequences later. You buat 1 benda baik or buruk, Allah akan byr blk 1o kali ganda.

Anyway, I've asked my Academic writing students to create a blog and write on a topic given in the class. Most of them manage to set up a blog. But in terms of writing... Hmm.. Don't want to comment. Check them out yourself. I've linked it to my blog. Pleeeeaaase... do not hesitate to comment. Its for their own good sake. Tp jangan komen melampau.. nnt I keck hati.. Hahaha..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adjustment period..

It's my 4th day in Twintech. Poeple here are quite friendly. I said "quite friendly" not "very friendly" sbb kat sini there are still some people yg belum di sapa kalau bertembung pun xsenyum. huhu.. At first, I thought it's difficult to survive here but after a while.. I met few people yg kira ala-ala 1 kepala gak la.. Fuuh.. Lega.. Alhamdulillah. There's also a few foreign lecturers. If I'm not mistaken, they're from Saudi or Sudan or Senegal (Betul ke eja ni? nmpak mcm sengal la plak). I asked them to speak arabic with me at least blh la practice my arabic yg dok blajar every Ahad tu tp x digunakn pun.. huhu.

Last nite, i went to a workshop called "Smart Money". Here, we played a board game called "Smart Money". The objective of this game is to consolidate our liabilities and try to generate passive income as much as you can. Which means you need to have a lot of assets like rental, investment, deposit, royalties. Memula, mcm blur-blur gak la.. Yelah.. org xpandai mengire.. (huhu.. How I wish Im was there last nite.. dia pandai ckit bab2 melabur ni..hehe..) Tp, lama2 mmg best! Sbb you dh blh handle your own finance.. Bila mula-mula nak start, we have to choose 1 card n dlm kad tu ada tulis our current job, income, our expenses which includes no. of child, car payment, home payment, education payment and of course, credit card (the most evil card on the planet!!). Pastu, kita kene try la settlekan bende2 ni ckit2. Before I retired, I managed to collect $13000++ and paid off my car loan, education loan n the evil card loan. Like Hiro Nakamura always said, Yatta!! Heeheehee.. Dia mcm main monopoly cuma this one is more mencabar.. If you're interested nk main this game, the next 2 weeks ada lagi.. kat KGPA at sect 16, PJ. Alaa.. dekat dgn Eastin Hotel.. Jalan nk g ke Matric UIA. You'll learn something from it.. And if you want to know how to generate passive income, this wednesday ada talk about this topic at the same place.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Sedih la..

Amrah is leaving soooon..

My life pun agak ntah pape skang ni..

Things don't go as planned..


Innalillahi Wa Innailaihi Raji'un..

Ya Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful..
Please help me out, here..
Ya Razq, help..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life is hard.
But I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying.

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Raji'uun.
That's what we should say.
Not 'alamak' 'alaa' or 'Urgh!'
We should be THANKFUL that we're still breathing.
We should PRAY to Him and ACCEPT the hardship with positive mind.

Bear in mind, Allah is The Most Justice.
He's The Most Understanding and All-Knowing.
Beg from Him, and you'll never be left alone.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The meaning of Siti Nurfatihah

You Are Seductive and Ruthless
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Duit itu Jahat

Duit itu sangat bekebolehan
Untuk menukar,
Serta merubah.

Manusia menjadi mangsa
Tamak haloba,
Hasad, Leka,
Keji dan Hina.

Duit itu amat bekebolehan,
Membawa kita
Lebih dekat dengan dunia,
Lebih senang menjadi pendusta,
Lebih mudah untuk berduka,

Duit itu juga berkebolehan,
Membawa kita
Jauh dari yg-Esa,
Jauh dari syurga-Nya,
Jauh sekali dari keberkatan-Nya.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Be More Well

Kelmarin, Amani.

Minggu depan, Kimi.

Minggu lg 1, Azim pulak.

Bulan May ni, Mar.. huhu..

Mcm mana ni.. Xlama lg Tajul lak..

Depressed! Depressed! HUHU!

Konon-konon nk tumpu pada career.. Akhir tahun ni mcm byk planning. Nk g situ sini, nk pakai B More Well.. InsyaAllah..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Care for your health.

Do u have these problems:
  1. flabby arms n stomach
  2. heart problem
  3. too much fat under the skin
  4. feeling tired all the time
  5. gastritis
  6. other illness that involves fat
Don't worry, I have the perfect solution for you.

All in 1 supplementary food. Contains 55 vitamins and herbs.

Result: FIRM AND SLIM BODY. Healthy and glowing skin. Lose 1kg per week! Still blh makan nasi...hehe.

For more info, can always sms or call my num, 0176485538.

Tak semahal yg anda sangka!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a legal driver! again!

Yeah!! I'm a legal driver again! For those who doesn't know about this, I'm so sorry and if I lied to any of you, I am so sorry.. I didn't mean to do so. I just dont want you to worry. I'm really sorry.

Anyway, I've passed by driving test and that's all that matters now.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


A Very Special Thanks

for those who has commented on my previous entry.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Never forget Him

A friend of mine was right. Why it is easy to advise someone and comfort them with our words but its so difficult to comfort our own heart? Do we not believe the words that we utter in order to sooth other's heart?

I guess it wasn't easy when it comes to comforting our own heart. It's not that we don't believe our own words it's just maybe we need someone else to say it for us. kot.. haha. Anyway, of course when you're in the rain, you need the miracle from the Supreme Being. He's always there for us. Always. But do we really submit to Him sincerely? Have we ever not left our prayers? Do we remember Him when we're happy and enjoying ourselves?

Hmm.. Lu pikir la sendri.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Merungut.. kenape?

Kenape kita suke merungut?? Kenape kita suke complaint?

Well.. This is my point of view.. Correct me if I'm wrong. I guess kita, manusia ni byk sangat kehendak kot.. n i think sometimes when we get things easily we become more demanding. bla dh jd demanding n bila xdpt apa yg biasa kita dpt, kita jd tak puas hati n that's when we start to complaint and merungut sana sini.

One more thing, maybe kita ni kureng nk besyukur kot.. Hmm.. It happens to everyone I guess. Allah dh pesan, when we received somethng good kita kene ckp Alhamdullilah. But if it's bad, we must say Innalillah. Tp kadang2 mcm takut je nk ckp Innalillah kn? maybe bcoz we often said it during kematian je.. n org kita mcm xberani nk sebut Innalillah kat sebarangan tmpat. Isn't is funny?

Sometimes I wonder, can we actually complaint after what Allah has given to us? Is it okay to do so?

I think somehow we have to remember that whatever we've got now was given by Him and sometimes we are the who has been asking for it so, whether it is good or bad, we still have to be thankful.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hmm.. Scribble..scribble.. scribble..


I think I have a new interest in life. Naah..I'm not talking about boyfriends here.. It's like things that I'd do besides working.. I've juz discovered that I actually like listening to other people's problem. And the challenging part is to deliver the solution. Some people I can juz do it easily coz maybe they are closer to me but some.. Hmm.. Err.. not that easy.. It's funny though.. I thought I would be bored listening to other's problem but it somehow turns out to be fun n a bit mind boggling.. (erk!)

maybe I should write a book on it.. Hmm.. Tp I'm not a good writer..huhu..