It's my 4th day in Twintech. Poeple here are quite friendly. I said "quite friendly" not "very friendly" sbb kat sini there are still some people yg belum di sapa kalau bertembung pun xsenyum. huhu.. At first, I thought it's difficult to survive here but after a while.. I met few people yg kira ala-ala 1 kepala gak la.. Fuuh.. Lega.. Alhamdulillah. There's also a few foreign lecturers. If I'm not mistaken, they're from Saudi or Sudan or Senegal (Betul ke eja ni? nmpak mcm sengal la plak). I asked them to speak arabic with me at least blh la practice my arabic yg dok blajar every Ahad tu tp x digunakn pun.. huhu.
Last nite, i went to a workshop called "Smart Money". Here, we played a board game called "Smart Money". The objective of this game is to consolidate our liabilities and try to generate passive income as much as you can. Which means you need to have a lot of assets like rental, investment, deposit, royalties. Memula, mcm blur-blur gak la.. Yelah.. org xpandai mengire.. (huhu.. How I wish Im was there last nite.. dia pandai ckit bab2 melabur ni..hehe..) Tp, lama2 mmg best! Sbb you dh blh handle your own finance.. Bila mula-mula nak start, we have to choose 1 card n dlm kad tu ada tulis our current job, income, our expenses which includes no. of child, car payment, home payment, education payment and of course, credit card (the most evil card on the planet!!). Pastu, kita kene try la settlekan bende2 ni ckit2. Before I retired, I managed to collect $13000++ and paid off my car loan, education loan n the evil card loan. Like Hiro Nakamura always said, Yatta!! Heeheehee.. Dia mcm main monopoly cuma this one is more mencabar.. If you're interested nk main this game, the next 2 weeks ada lagi.. kat KGPA at sect 16, PJ. Alaa.. dekat dgn Eastin Hotel.. Jalan nk g ke Matric UIA. You'll learn something from it.. And if you want to know how to generate passive income, this wednesday ada talk about this topic at the same place.
Happy 26 Tahun Di BNM
3 weeks ago
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